"Called to be a Family of Families"
Monday 7:55 am ~ 2:25 pm
Tuesday 7:55 am ~ 2:25 pm
Wednesady 7:55 am ~ 2:25 pm
Thursday 7:55 am ~ 2:25 pm
Friday 7:55 am ~ 2:25 pm
Monday 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Tuesday 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Wednesady 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Thursday 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Friday 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Monday 8:30 am ~ 3:00 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am ~ 3:00 pm
Wednesady 8:30 am ~ 3:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am ~ 3:00 pm
Friday 8:30 am ~ 3:00 pm
School cancellation due to inclement weather or other emaergencies will be posted on the school's web page, facebook, and News 12 Long Island. Families will be notified via our school messenger phone system.
If the school district of residence does not provide transportation because of the weather, we do not expect parents to drive the children to school.
If the school district of residence has a delayed opening, students in non public schools will have delayed transportation even though OLQA is may not be delayed.
If school district you reside in decides they need to do an early dismissal due to an impending storm or other emergency where transportation cannot be provided at normal dismissal time, announcements will be made via school messenger, News 12, and school website. Please make sure to give your child/children directions on what to do if such emergency dismissals should occur. The school office cannot be responsible for calling each family in the event of a school closing. Please check our school webisite for up to date information throughout the day.
When the school has a 2 hour delayed opening, students kindergarten to 8th Grade may not arrive to school prior to 9:40 am school will start 9:55 am.
There is no before care offered on days with delayed openings.
Pre-K/Nursery classes will start at 10 am and drop off will be to the front doors of the auditorium/gym area