i-Ready gives teachers feedback on your child's strengths and areas for growth.
The results of the diagnostic will help your child’s teachers identify exactly where your child needs to develop, as well as where his or her strengths are.
Teachers can use this information to design instruction that meets the unique needs of your child. And because the diagnostic is taken a few times throughout the school year, your child’s teacher will be able to measure progress and growth over the course of the year.
What is the i-Ready Parent Report?
This report tells you the score your child received on the diagnostic. It also tells you if the score is approaching grade level, on grade level, or above grade level.
It also describes each “domain,” or area of learning, that the student was assessed in, along with the placement level in each domain. After each diagnostic, the Parent Report is updated, allowing you to compare progress throughout the year.
If you have any questions about the Parent Report, please contact your child’s teacher.