Our Lady Queen of Apostles is about taking the gift of the Catholic tradition and sharing it with our young people through prayer, education, and mission. It's the work of Campus Ministry at OLQA, formally established in 2017.
Prayer is the heartbeat of our school day. We begin each day as a school community in prayer; focusing on the liturgical season, the life of a saint, and asking the intercession of our Blessed Mother to guide us as we journey throughout the day. Before lunch, we proclaim the Annunciation through the praying of the Angelus. Our day ends with once again entrusting ourselves to Mary's intercession before we journey home.
Students attend weekly mass and the entire community (of course, you're invited too!) gathers for mass once a month. Different classes take turns carrying out the liturgical ministries for the monthly masses. In addition, we have students serve as altar servers and sacristans. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated during Advent and Lent. We prepare our second graders for First Holy Communion. Students in The Mission lead us in a Living Nativity and the Stations of the Cross.
The Campus Minister at OLQA is the coordinator of theology for grades 4-8. This allows their subject teachers to focus on their core subjects and gives religious instruction the priority of focus it deserves.
Our faith calls us out of the church and classroom, and into the world. Students in The Mission participate in one-day mission trips and other service experiences. In addition, each grade in the school partners with a church ministry or charitable organization through the Campus Ministry Cooperative. Other school-wide service projects are completed throughout the year like the 1.2K Thanksgiving Can Drive and Christmas Toy Drive.